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Instructional Design


In this section, we will be providing resources concerning instructional design. Instructional design is commonly defined as the creations of instructions, which allow for more effective and efficient ways of acquiring knowledge and skills. The introduction of new digital tools potentially increases our range of choices for creating such instructions and their delivery.

The design process for complex learning tasks

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On this page we will provide a series of videos in which a particular approach to instructional design is introduced and treated in details. More specifically, the videos provide an introduction to the ten steps to complex learning design approach.

In order to fully appreciate the importance of the ten steps to complex learning design approach, we start off with a general introduction to Instructional Design Models. In short, instructional design models accompany the educator (teacher, lecturer, coach, etc.) in the process of designing a lesson, a learning activity, a course, etc.. This video provided by Bert Slot from Utrecht University illustrates the main points and issues when it comes to instructional design models.

Once we have understood what instructional design models refer to, we can start with digging into a particular model, which is the main object described on this page, which is the so-called Ten Steps Design Model. This is supposed to walk you through the rationale behind the model as well as the main concepts that are deployed. The particularly of this model is that in designing for learning tasks the designer should keep in mind the complexity of the skill that is addressed in the tasks. The video provided by Casper Hulshof from Utrecht University gives such an overview.

After providing an overview of the model, we dig deeper into the 4 components of the model and the associated steps. The first explains the first two components, namely, learning task and supportive information, while the second video deals with procedural information (component 3) and part task practice (component 4). These last two videos are provided by Liesbeth Kester from Utrecht University.

To know more

To know more about the model and the four components, we recommend the following readings:

van Merriënboer, Jeroen JG, and Paul A. Kirschner. “4C/ID in the context of instructional design and the learning sciences.” International handbook of the learning sciences (2018): 169-179. (Link to the book chapter)

Van Merriënboer, Jeroen JG, Richard E. Clark, and Marcel BM De Croock. “Blueprints for complex learning: The 4C/ID-model.” Educational technology research and development 50.2 (2002): 39-61. (Link to the article)

Vandewaetere, Mieke, et al. “4C/ID in medical education: How to design an educational program based on whole-task learning: AMEE Guide No. 93.” Medical teacher 37.1 (2015): 4-20. (Link to the article)