Riga Technical University Master’s Academic Studies Program “E-LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES”

Riga Technical University is pleased to invite you to a workshop on Riga Technical University Master’s academic studies program “E-LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES” in the frame of the Erasmus+ Project “MA in Educational Technology: A New Online Blended Learning Program for the New Member States” (Agreement No 2017-KA203-03).
The workshop will take place on 13 June 2019 (start at 10:00 and finish at 14:30) at the Kronvalda blvd 1, Riga, LV-1001, Latvia.
Event record
9:30 Registration and Coffee 10:00 Introduction to Master’s Academic Studies “E-learning technologies”, Dr. Atis Kapenieks, RTU Distance Education Study Centre 10:20 Introduction to Study Course “Advanced Digital Technologies in Education”, Loreta Juškaite, Žanis Timšāns, Jānis Kapenieks (Jr.), RTU Distance Education Study Centre Advanced Digital Technologies in Education.ppt 10:50 Introduction to Study Course “E-learning Technology and Methodology”, Dr. Jānis Kapenieks (Sr.), Dr. Merija Jirgensons, Iveta Daugule, RTU Distance Education Study Centre eLearning Technology and Methodology Part 1.pptx, Part 2.pptx, Part 3.pptx 11:30 Introduction to Study Course “Instructional Data Analytics and Education Intelligence”, Viktors Zagorskis, Kristaps Kapenieks, Ieva Vītoliņa, RTU Distance Education Study Centre Instructional Data Analytics and Education Intelligence.pdf 12:00 Coffee Break 12:30 Introduction to Study Course “Instructional Technology and Media for E-learning”, Bruno Žuga, Žanis Timšāns, Sabīne Grīnberga, RTU Distance Education Study Centre Instructional Technology and Media for E-learning Part 1.pdf, Part 2.pptx 14:00 Discussion: New Master Study Program and Jobs of Tomorrow, Dr. Atis Kapenieks 14:20 - 14.30 Conclusions
For additional information please contact: Ieva Vitolina, e-mail: ieva.vitolina@rtu.lv